Dr. Susan Convery

Dr. Susan Convery has been a professor of practice at Michigan State University since 2008 where she teaches principles of management accounting and government and not-for-profit (GNP) accounting. She is also an Emeritus Professor from Eastern Michigan University where she was department head for six years. Professor Convery earned her PhD (1990) and BA (1973) from Michigan State University and her MS in Accounting (1979) from EMU. She is a CPA (Michigan, 1981) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA, 2009). Professor Convery has written and taught about GNP topics since 1981. She has served as the American Accounting Association (AAA) representative to the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council, President of the AAA's Government and Not-for-profit Section, and Chair of the Not-for-profit Committee and Board member of the Michigan Association of CPAs. She was coauthor of the 11th through 15th editions of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Entities by McGraw-Hill/Irwin (under her former name, Kattelus). Dr. Convery has published articles on GNP topics in The Accounting Review, Issues in Accounting Education, Research in Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting, the Journal of Governmental Financial Management, Journal of Accounting Education, and Public Budgeting and Finance.