Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs, 4e
by Easton, Halsey, McAnally, Hartgraves, Morse
ISBN: 978-1-61853-102-5 | Copyright 2015
TabsWelcome to Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs.
Our main goal in writing this book was to satisfy the needs of today's business manager by creating a contemporary, engaging, and user-oriented textbook. This book is the product of extensive market research including focus groups, market surveys, class tests, manuscript reviews, and interviews with faculty from across the country. We are grateful to the students and faculty who provided us with useful feedback during the preparation of this book.
Target Audience
Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs is intended for use in full-time, part-time, executive, and evening MBA programs that include a combined financial and managerial accounting course as part of the curriculum, and one in which managerial decision making and analysis are emphasized. This book easily accommodates mini-courses lasting several days as well as extended courses lasting a full semester.
Innovative Approach
Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs is managerially oriented and focuses on the most salient aspects of accounting. It teaches MBA students how to read, analyze, and interpret accounting data to make informed business decisions. This textbook makes accounting engaging, relevant, and contemporary. To that end, it consistently incorporates real company data, both in the body of each module and throughout assignment material.
Flexible Structure
The MBA curricula, instructor preferences, and course lengths vary across colleges. Accordingly and to the extent possible, the 24 modules that make up Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs were designed independently of one another. This modular presentation enables each college and instructor to "customize" the book to best fit the needs of their students. Our introduction and discussion of financial statements constitute Modules 1, 2, and 3. Module 4 presents the analysis of financial statements with an emphasis on profitability analysis. Modules 5 through 10 highlight major financial accounting topics including assets, liabilities, equity, and off-balance-sheet financing. Module 11 explains forecasting financial statements and Module 12 introduces simple valuation models. Module 13 introduces managerial accounting and is followed by a discussion of cost behavior and cost estimation in Module 14. Module 15 explains cost-volume-profit analysis while Module 16 focuses on using relevant costs to make business decisions. Job and process costing are covered in a single module, Module 17, followed by activity-based costing in Module 18 and the assignment of indirect costs in Module 19. The remaining modules, 20 through 24, highlight managerial accounting topics ranging from operational budgets and variance analysis to segment reporting, product pricing, and capital budgeting. At the end of the book, we include several useful resources. Appendix A contains Compound interest tables. Appendix B details the process for preparing and analyzing the statement of Cash Flow. Appendix C is an illustrative case that applies the techniques described in the financial accounting modules (1–12) to an actual company, Kimberly-Clark. Appendix D is a chart of accounts used in the book.
Managerial Emphasis
As MBA instructors, we recognize that the core MBA accounting course is not directed toward accounting majors. Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs embraces this reality. This book highlights reporting, analysis, interpretation, and decision making. In the financial accounting modules, we incorporate the following financial statement effects template when relevant to train MBA students in understanding the economic ramifications of transactions and their impact on all key financial statements. This analytical tool is a great resource for MBA students in learning accounting and applying it to their future courses and careers. Each transaction is identified in the “Transaction” column. Then, the dollar amounts (positive or negative) of the financial statement effects are recorded in the appropriate balance sheet or income statement columns. The template also reflects the statement of cash flow effects (via the cash column) and the statement of stockholders’ equity effects (via the contributed capital and earned capital columns). The earned capital account is immediately updated to reflect any income or loss arising from each transaction (denoted by the arrow line from net income to earned capital). This template is instructive as it reveals the financial impacts of transactions, and it provides insights into the effects of accounting choices.
Innovative Pedegogy
Focus Companies for Each Module
In the financial accounting portion of the book, each module’s content is explained through the accounting and reporting activities of real companies. To that end, each module incorporates a “focus company” for special emphasis and demonstration. The enhanced instructional value of focus companies comes from the way they engage MBA students in real analysis and interpretation. Focus companies were selected based on the industries that MBA students typically enter upon graduation. We apply a similar approach to the managerial accounting modules, but limited access to internal accounting information prevents us from illustrating all managerial accounting topics using real company data. We do, however, incorporate real world examples throughout each module. Each managerial accounting module is presented in context using real world scenarios from a variety of service, retail, and manufacturing companies. The following table lists focus companies by module.
Module 1 | Berkshire Hathaway | Module 14 | Square |
Module 2 | Apple | Module 15 | DuPont |
Module 3 | Apple | Module 16 | Uber |
Module 4 | Walmart | Module 17 | Samsung |
Module 5 | Pfizer | Module 18 | Unilever |
Module 6 | Cisco | Module 19 | Whole Foods |
Module 7 | Verizon | Module 20 | Roku |
Module 8 | IBM | Module 21 | |
Module 9 | Module 22 | Southwest Airlines | |
Module 10 | Southwest Airlines | Appendix 23 | Volkswagen |
Module 11 | Procter & Gamble | Appendix 24 | Amazon |
Module 12 | Nike | Appendix B | Starbucks |
Module 13 | ModCloth | Appendix C | Kimberly-Clark |
Real Company Data Throughout
Market research and reviewer feedback tell us that one of instructors’ greatest frustrations with other MBA textbooks is their lack of real company data. We have gone to great lengths to incorporate real company data throughout each module to reinforce important concepts and engage MBA students. We engage nonaccounting MBA students specializing in finance, marketing, management, real estate, operations, and so forth, with companies and scenarios that are relevant to them. For representative examples, See pages 4-7, 5-15, and 6-10.
Decision Making Orientation
One primary goal of a MBA financial accounting course is to teach students the skills needed to apply their accounting knowledge to solving real business problems and making informed business decisions. With that goal in mind, Managerial Decision boxes in each module encourage students to apply the material presented to solving actual business scenarios. For representative examples, See pages 2-35, 4-14, 7-23, and 8-9.
Mid-Module and Module-End Reviews
Financial accounting can be challenging — especially for MBA students lacking business experience or previous exposure to business courses. To reinforce concepts presented in each module and to ensure student comprehension, we include mid-module and module-end reviews that require students to recall and apply the financial accounting techniques and concepts described in each module. For representative examples, See pages 4-8, 7-11, 8-14, and 9-16.
Excellent, Class-Tested Assignment Materials
Excellent assignment material is a must-have component of any successful textbook (and class). In keeping with the rest of the book, we used real company data extensively. We also ensured that assignments reflect our belief that MBA students should be trained in analyzing accounting information to make business decisions, as opposed to working on mechanical bookkeeping tasks. Assignments encourage students to analyze accounting information, interpret it, and apply the knowledge gained to a business decision. For representative examples, See pages 4-37, 6-45, and 9-41.
Forth Edition Changes
Based on classroom use and reviewer feedback, a number of substantive changes have been made in this edition to further enhance the MBA students’ experiences:
Financial Accounting Modules (1-12)
- Updated Financial Data: We have updated all Focus Company financial statements and disclosures to reflect each company’s latest available filings. We have updated all assignments using real data to reflect each company’s latest available filings and we have added many new assignments that also utilize real financial data and footnotes.
- Updated Assignments:We have updated all assignments using real data to reflect each company’s latest available filings and have added many new assignments that also utilize real financial data and footnotes. We have expanded the IFRS Applications to include more companies from Canada and Australia.
- Ongoing Analysis Project:We have added a project component to each module. See the descriptionabove in Experiential Learning.
- Analyzing Cash Flows:To help students better understand cash flows, we have included new sections onthe analysis of cash flows in Appendix B, including a discussion of the cash flow cycle and interpretation of cash flow patterns.
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS):We have updated the IFRS insight boxes and IFRS Alert boxes on the similarities and differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS. Each module concludes with a Global Accounting section and an expanded IFRS assignments section, which brings inreports and disclosures from around the globe.
- New Focus Companies:We have changed a number of the focus companies: Module 4 now uses Walmart, Module 7 focuses on IBM, Module 10 uses Southwest Airlines, and Module 12 highlights Nike.
- Accounting Quality:We augmented the section on accounting quality in Module 5. It describes measures of accounting quality and factors that mitigate accounting quality. We also provide a check list of items in financial statements that should be reviewed when analyzing financial statements.
- Intercorporate Investments:Consistent with recent changes in accounting standards, we have revised Module 9 (formerly Module 7) to emphasize investors’ control of securities and deemphasize the percentage of ownership as the determining factor in selecting the method used for financial reporting.
- Credit Ratings:This edition expands discussion of credit ratings. This includes trends in credit ratings, current credit rating statistics, and rating procedures implemented by companies such as Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s.
- Noncontrolling Interest:We added expanded discussion of noncontrolling interest, how it is reported in financial statements, and the interpretation of its disclosure. The book distinguishes the ROE disaggregation with and without controlling interest and explains how to handle noncontrolling interest foranalysis, forecasting, and equity valuation. In Module 9, we also expand our discussion of consolidation to illustrate the allocation of consolidated net income to the noncontrolling interest and to the controlling(parent) interest.
- Revised Forecasting Module:We have expanded our discussion of the forecasting of revenues and expenses to distinguish between forecasting using publicly-available databases and forecasting with proprietary databases. For the latter, we continue to utilize analyst reports and spreadsheets provided to us by Morgan Stanley.
- Enhanced R&D Analysis:We have developed a new discussion of R&D costs in Module 5 focusing onthe analysis and interpretation of Rr&D.
- Expanded analysis of allowance accounts:We have developed a new appendix to Module 6 to illustrate the accounting for sales returns and analysis. We also present a discussion of the analysis of the allowance accounts in schedule ii (Valuation and Qualifying Accounts) of the 10-K or similar disclosures in othertypes of annual reports.
- Pension Accounting:We have expanded our discussion of analysis of pension disclosures, including the change that many companies now immediately recognize actuarial gains and losses in operating results.
- New Regulations:We highlight pending and proposed accounting standards and their likely effects, if passed. These include the proposed standard on revenue recognition. This edition also reflects all accounting standards in effect since our last edition, including the new business combination and consolidation standard and goodwill impairment testing.
Managerial Accounting Modules (13-24)
- Many new Business insight boxes have replaced older ones.
- several new research insight boxes have been incorporated.
- Dozens of new, real company examples have been integrated throughout the text.
- Over two-thirds of the exercises and problems have been revised.
- All 12 Opening Vignettes have been replaced.
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myBusinessCourse is a complete, secure, web-based training and e-Learning solution. There is nothing to download or install; it is accessible through any modern web browser and most mobile devices.
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89 Guided Example Videos
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About the Authors (pg. iii) | |
Brief Contents (pg. x) | |
Contents (pg. xi) | |
Module 01: Financial Accounting for MBAs (pg. 1-1) | |
Focus Company: Berkshire Hathaway (pg. 1-1) | |
Reporting on Business Activities (pg. 1-4) | |
Financial Statements: Demand and Supply (pg. 1-5) | |
Demand for Information (pg. 1-5) | |
Supply of Information (pg. 1-7) | |
International Accounting Standards and Convergence (pg. 1-8) | |
Financial Statements (pg. 1-9) | |
Balance Sheet (pg. 1-10) | |
Income Statement (pg. 1-12) | |
Statement of Stockholders’ Equity (pg. 1-14) | |
Statement of Cash Flows (pg. 1-15) | |
Financial Statement Linkages (pg. 1-16) | |
Information Beyond Financial Statements (pg. 1-16) | |
Choices in Financial Accounting (pg. 1-17) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 1-18) | |
Analysis of Financial Statements (pg. 1-19) | |
Return on Assets (pg. 1-19) | |
Components of Return on Assets (pg. 1-19) | |
Return on Equity (pg. 1-20) | |
Financial Statements and Business Analysis (pg. 1-20) | |
Analyzing the Competitive Environment (pg. 1-20) | |
Analyzing the Broader Business Environment (pg. 1-22) | |
Analyzing Competitive Advantage (pg. 1-23) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 1-24) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 1-24) | |
Appendix 1A: Accessing SEC Filings (pg. 1-25) | |
Appendix 1B: Accounting Principles and Governance (pg. 1-26) | |
Financial Accounting Environment (pg. 1-26) | |
Audits and Corporate Governance (pg. 1-27) | |
Regulatory and Legal Environment (pg. 1-30) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 1-32) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 1-32) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 1-43) | |
Module 02: Introducing Financial Statements and Transaction Analysis (pg. 2-1) | |
Focus Company: Apple (pg. 2-1) | |
Balance Sheet (pg. 2-3) | |
Balance Sheet and the Flow of Costs (pg. 2-3) | |
Assets (pg. 2-4) | |
Liabilities and Equity (pg. 2-6) | |
Income Statement (pg. 2-12) | |
Recognition of Revenues and Expenses (pg. 2-13) | |
Reporting of Transitory Items (pg. 2-14) | |
Statement of Stockholders’ Equity (pg. 2-15) | |
Statement of Cash Flows (pg. 2-16) | |
Statement Format and Data Sources (pg. 2-16) | |
Cash Flow Computations (pg. 2-17) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 2-20) | |
Articulation of Financial Statements (pg. 2-20) | |
Retained Earnings Reconciliation (pg. 2-20) | |
Financial Statement Linkages (pg. 2-21) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 2-21) | |
Transaction Analysis and Accounting (pg. 2-22) | |
Analyzing and Recording Transactions (pg. 2-23) | |
Adjusting Accounts (pg. 2-23) | |
Constructing Financial Statements (pg. 2-26) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 2-31) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 2-31) | |
Appendix 2A: Additional Information Sources (pg. 2-32) | |
Form 10-K (pg. 2-32) | |
Form 20-F and Form 40-F (pg. 2-33) | |
Form 8-K (pg. 2-33) | |
Analyst Reports (pg. 2-34) | |
Credit Services (pg. 2-34) | |
Data Services (pg. 2-35) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 2-35) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 2-35) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 2-49) | |
Module 03: Accounting Adjustments and Constructing Financial Statements (pg. 3-1) | |
Focus Company: Apple (pg. 3-1) | |
Accounting for Transactions (pg. 3-4) | |
Financial Statement Effects Template (pg. 3-4) | |
Transaction Analysis (pg. 3-5) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 3-8) | |
Accounting Adjustments (Accruals) (pg. 3-8) | |
Prepaid Expenses (Assets) (pg. 3-9) | |
Unearned Revenues (Liabilities) (pg. 3-9) | |
Accrued Expenses (Liabilities) (pg. 3-10) | |
Accrued Revenues (Assets) (pg. 3-11) | |
Trial Balance Preparation and Use (pg. 3-12) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 3-15) | |
Financial Statement Preparation (pg. 3-15) | |
Income Statement (pg. 3-15) | |
Balance Sheet (pg. 3-16) | |
Statement of Stockholders’ Equity (pg. 3-17) | |
Statement of Cash Flows (pg. 3-17) | |
Closing Process (pg. 3-20) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 3-21) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 3-21) | |
Appendix 3A: Closing Process Using Journal Entries (pg. 3-22) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 3-23) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 3-24) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 3-36) | |
Module 04: Analyzing and Interpreting Financial Statements (pg. 4-1) | |
Focus Company: Walmart (pg. 4-1) | |
Return on Equity (ROE) (pg. 4-4) | |
Operating Return (RNOA) (pg. 4-5) | |
Operating Items in the Income Statement—NOPAT (pg. 4-5) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 4-8) | |
Operating Items in the Balance Sheet—NOA (pg. 4-8) | |
Computing Return on Net Operating Assets (RNOA) (pg. 4-11) | |
RNOA Disaggregation into Margin and Turnover (pg. 4-13) | |
Net Operating Profit Margin (pg. 4-13) | |
Net Operating Asset Turnover (pg. 4-13) | |
Trade-Off between Margin and Turnover (pg. 4-14) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 4-16) | |
Further RNOA Disaggregation (pg. 4-17) | |
Nonoperating Return (pg. 4-17) | |
Financial Leverage Across Industries (pg. 4-19) | |
Limitations of Ratio Analysis (pg. 4-20) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 4-22) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 4-23) | |
Appendix 4A: Nonoperating Return Component of ROE (pg. 4-23) | |
Nonoperating Return Framework (pg. 4-23) | |
Nonoperating Return—With Debt Financing, but Without Nonoperating Assets (pg. 4-23) | |
Nonoperating Return—With Debt Financing and Nonoperating Assets (pg. 4-24) | |
Nonoperating Return—Without Debt Financing, but With Nonoperating Assets (pg. 4-26) | |
Nonoperating Return—With Debt Financing, Nonoperating Assets, and Noncontrolling Interest (pg. 4-26) | |
Derivation of Nonoperating Return Formula (pg. 4-27) | |
Special Topics (pg. 4-28) | |
Appendix 4B: Tools of Liquidity and Solvency Analysis (pg. 4-29) | |
Liquidity Analysis (pg. 4-29) | |
Solvency Analysis (pg. 4-30) | |
Vertical and Horizontal Analysis (pg. 4-31) | |
Appendix 4C: DuPont Disaggregation Analysis (pg. 4-33) | |
Basic DuPont Model (pg. 4-34) | |
Return on Assets (pg. 4-34) | |
Productivity (pg. 4-35) | |
Financial Leverage (pg. 4-35) | |
ROA Adjustment in the Basic DuPont Model (pg. 4-35) | |
Illustration of DuPont Disaggregation (pg. 4-36) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 4-36) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 4-37) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 4-58) | |
Module 05: Reporting and Analyzing Operating Income (pg. 5-1) | |
Focus Company: Pfizer (pg. 5-1) | |
Operating Income Components (pg. 5-5) | |
Revenue and its Recognition (pg. 5-5) | |
Research and Development (R&D) Expenses (pg. 5-12) | |
Restructuring Expenses and Incentives (pg. 5-15) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 5-19) | |
Income Tax Expenses and Allowances (pg. 5-19) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 5-27) | |
Foreign Currency Translation Effects (pg. 5-27) | |
Operating Components Below-The-Line (pg. 5-29) | |
Discontinued Operations (pg. 5-29) | |
Extraordinary Items (pg. 5-30) | |
Earnings Per Share (pg. 5-31) | |
Accounting Quality (pg. 5-33) | |
Assessing and Remediating Accounting Quality (pg. 5-35) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 5-36) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 5-38) | |
Appendix 5A: Proposed Revenue Recognition Standard (pg. 5-38) | |
Appendix 5B: Expanded Explanation of Deferred Taxes (pg. 5-40) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 5-42) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 5-42) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 5-68) | |
Module 06: Reporting and Analyzing Operating Assets (pg. 6-1) | |
Focus Company: Cisco Systems (pg. 6-1) | |
Accounts Receivable (pg. 6-3) | |
Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts (pg. 6-5) | |
Footnote and MD&A Disclosures (pg. 6-7) | |
Analysis Implications (pg. 6-9) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 6-13) | |
Inventory (pg. 6-13) | |
Capitalization of Inventory Cost (pg. 6-14) | |
Inventory Costing Methods (pg. 6-15) | |
Lower of Cost or Market (pg. 6-17) | |
Footnote Disclosures (pg. 6-18) | |
Financial Statement Effects of Inventory Costing (pg. 6-19) | |
Tools of Inventory Analysis (pg. 6-21) | |
LIFO Liquidations (pg. 6-25) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 6-26) | |
Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) (pg. 6-26) | |
Capitalization of Asset Costs (pg. 6-27) | |
Depreciation (pg. 6-27) | |
Asset Sales and Impairments (pg. 6-31) | |
Footnote Disclosures (pg. 6-34) | |
Analysis Implications (pg. 6-35) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 6-38) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 6-39) | |
Appendix 6A: Sales Returns and Allowances (pg. 6-39) | |
Analysis of Allowance Accounts (pg. 6-40) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 6-41) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 6-42) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 6-59) | |
Module 07: Reporting and Analyzing Nonowner Financing (pg. 7-1) | |
Focus Company: Verizon Communications (pg. 7-1) | |
Current Liabilities (pg. 7-4) | |
Accounts Payable (pg. 7-4) | |
Accounts Payable Turnover (APT) (pg. 7-5) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 7-6) | |
Accrued Liabilities (pg. 7-6) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 7-10) | |
Current Nonoperating Liabilities (pg. 7-10) | |
Mid-Module Review 3 (pg. 7-11) | |
Long-Term Nonoperating Liabilities (pg. 7-12) | |
Pricing of Debt (pg. 7-12) | |
Effective Cost of Debt (pg. 7-14) | |
Reporting of Debt Financing (pg. 7-15) | |
Financial Statement Effects of Debt Issuance (pg. 7-15) | |
Effects of Discount and Premium Amortization (pg. 7-17) | |
Financial Statement Effects of Bond Repurchase (pg. 7-19) | |
Financial Statement Footnotes (pg. 7-20) | |
Credit Ratings and the Cost of Debt (pg. 7-21) | |
What Are Credit Ratings? (pg. 7-22) | |
What Determines Credit Ratings? (pg. 7-23) | |
Any Trends with Credit Ratings? (pg. 7-24) | |
Financial Ratios across Industries (pg. 7-25) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 7-26) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 7-27) | |
Appendix 7A: Compound Interest (pg. 7-27) | |
Present Value Concepts (pg. 7-27) | |
Future Value Concepts (pg. 7-32) | |
Appendix 7B: Economics of Gains and Losses on Bond Repurchases (pg. 7-32) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 7-34) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 7-34) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 7-53) | |
Module 08: Reporting and Analyzing Owner Financing (pg. 8-1) | |
Focus Company: IBM Corporation (pg. 8-1) | |
Contributed Capital (pg. 8-4) | |
Classes of Stock (pg. 8-4) | |
Accounting for Stock Transactions (pg. 8-7) | |
Stock-Based Compensation (pg. 8-9) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 8-14) | |
Earned Capital (pg. 8-15) | |
Cash Dividends (pg. 8-15) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 8-17) | |
Stock Dividends and Splits (pg. 8-17) | |
Mid-Module Review 3 (pg. 8-19) | |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (pg. 8-19) | |
Noncontrolling Interest (pg. 8-21) | |
Analysis and Interpretation of Noncontrolling Interest (pg. 8-23) | |
Summary of Stockholders’ Equity (pg. 8-23) | |
Equity Carve-Outs and Convertibles (pg. 8-24) | |
Sell-Offs (pg. 8-24) | |
Spin-Offs (pg. 8-25) | |
Split-Offs (pg. 8-26) | |
Analysis of Equity Carve-Outs (pg. 8-27) | |
Mid-Module Review 4 (pg. 8-27) | |
Convertible Securities (pg. 8-27) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 8-29) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 8-30) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 8-30) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 8-30) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 8-52) | |
Module 09: Reporting and Analyzing Intercorporate Investments (pg. 9-1) | |
Focus Company: Google (pg. 9-1) | |
Passive Investments (pg. 9-4) | |
Acquisition and Sale (pg. 9-5) | |
Fair Value versus Cost (pg. 9-5) | |
Investments Marked to Market (pg. 9-6) | |
Financial Statement Disclosures (pg. 9-7) | |
Investments Reported at Cost (pg. 9-9) | |
Mid-Module Review 1 (pg. 9-10) | |
Investments with Significant Influence (pg. 9-11) | |
Accounting for Investments with Significant Influence (pg. 9-11) | |
Equity Method Accounting and ROE Effects (pg. 9-13) | |
Mid-Module Review 2 (pg. 9-16) | |
Investments with Control (pg. 9-17) | |
Accounting for Investments with Control (pg. 9-17) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 9-29) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 9-30) | |
Appendix 9A: Accounting for Derivatives (pg. 9-30) | |
Disclosures for Derivatives (pg. 9-31) | |
Analysis of Derivatives (pg. 9-34) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 9-35) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 9-35) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 9-56) | |
Module 10: Reporting and Analyzing Off-Balance-Sheet Financing (pg. 10-1) | |
Focus Company: Southwest Airlines (pg. 10-1) | |
Leases (pg. 10-4) | |
Lessee Reporting of Leases (pg. 10-4) | |
Footnote Disclosure of Leases (pg. 10-6) | |
Capitalization of Operating Leases (pg. 10-7) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 10-11) | |
Pensions (pg. 10-12) | |
Reporting of Defined Benefit Pension Plans (pg. 10-12) | |
Balance Sheet Effects (pg. 10-12) | |
Income Statement Effects (pg. 10-14) | |
Footnote Disclosures—Components of Plan Assets and PBO (pg. 10-16) | |
Footnote Disclosures and Future Cash Flows (pg. 10-17) | |
Footnote Disclosures and Profit Implications (pg. 10-18) | |
Analysis Implications (pg. 10-19) | |
Other Post-Employment Benefits (pg. 10-22) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 10-22) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 10-23) | |
Appendix 10A: Amortization Component of Pension Expense (pg. 10-24) | |
Appendix 10B: Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) (pg. 10-25) | |
Applying SPEs as Financing Tools (pg. 10-26) | |
Reporting of SPEs Designated as VIEs (pg. 10-27) | |
Analysis Implications of SPEs (pg. 10-27) | |
Appendix 10C: Lease Capitalization Using a Calculator and Present Value Tables (pg. 10-28) | |
Lease Capitalization Using Present Value Tables (pg. 10-30) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 10-31) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 10-31) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 10-53) | |
Module 11: Forecasting Financial Statements (pg. 11-1) | |
Focus Company: Procter & Gamble (P&G) (pg. 11-1) | |
Forecasting Process (pg. 11-3) | |
Overview of Forecasting Process (pg. 11-3) | |
All-Important Revenues Forecast (pg. 11-5) | |
Identifying the Forecasting Steps (pg. 11-7) | |
Forecasting Process: Procter & Gamble (pg. 11-7) | |
Step 1: Forecasting Revenues (pg. 11-7) | |
Factors Impacting Revenue Growth (pg. 11-8) | |
Forecasting Revenue Growth (pg. 11-13) | |
Step 2: Forecasting Expenses (pg. 11-20) | |
Forecasting Operating Expenses (pg. 11-20) | |
Forecasting Nonoperating Expenses (pg. 11-20) | |
Forecasting Expenses for P&G Using Public Information (pg. 11-20) | |
Forecasting Expenses for P&G Using Proprietary Databases (pg. 11-23) | |
Step 3: Forecasting Assets, Liabilities and Equity (pg. 11-24) | |
Process of Forecasting Balance Sheet Items (pg. 11-25) | |
Forecasting Balance Sheet Items (pg. 11-27) | |
Step 4: Adjust Forecasted Statements (pg. 11-32) | |
Adjust Forecasted Balance Sheet (pg. 11-32) | |
Forecasting Statement of Cash Flows (pg. 11-34) | |
Additional Forecasting Issues (pg. 11-34) | |
Reassessing Financial Statement Forecasts (pg. 11-34) | |
Multiyear Forecasting of Financial Statements (pg. 11-35) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 11-38) | |
Parsimonious Multiyear Forecasting (pg. 11-39) | |
Parsimonious Method for Forecasting (pg. 11-40) | |
Multiyear Forecasting with Parsimonious Method (pg. 11-40) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 11-41) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 11-41) | |
Appendix 11A: Morgan Stanley’s Forecast Report on Procter & Gamble (pg. 11-41) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 11-57) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 11-80) | |
Module 12: Analyzing and Valuing Equity Securities (pg. 12-1) | |
Focus Company: Nike (pg. 12-1) | |
Equity Valuation Models (pg. 12-3) | |
Dividend Discount Model (pg. 12-3) | |
Discounted Cash Flow Model (pg. 12-3) | |
Residual Operating Income Model (pg. 12-4) | |
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model (pg. 12-4) | |
DCF Model Structure (pg. 12-4) | |
Steps in Applying the DCF Model (pg. 12-5) | |
Illustrating the DCF Model (pg. 12-5) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 12-7) | |
Residual Operating Income (ROPI) Model (pg. 12-7) | |
ROPI Model Structure (pg. 12-8) | |
Steps in Applying the ROPI Model (pg. 12-8) | |
Illustrating the ROPI Model (pg. 12-9) | |
Managerial Insights from the ROPI Model (pg. 12-10) | |
Assessment of Valuation Models (pg. 12-11) | |
Global Accounting (pg. 12-12) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 12-13) | |
Appendix 12A: Nike Financial Statements (pg. 12-13) | |
Appendix 12B: RBC Capital Markets Valuation of Procter & Gamble (pg. 12-15) | |
Appendix 12C: Derivation of Free Cash Flow Formula (pg. 12-17) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 12-18) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 12-18) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 12-33) | |
Module 13: Managerial Accounting for MBAs (pg. 13-1) | |
Focus Company: ModCloth (pg. 13-1) | |
Uses of Accounting Information (pg. 13-3) | |
Financial Accounting (pg. 13-3) | |
Managerial Accounting (pg. 13-4) | |
Globalization of Accounting Standards (pg. 13-5) | |
Strategic Cost Management (pg. 13-6) | |
Missions, Goals, and Strategies (pg. 13-6) | |
Strategic Position Analysis (pg. 13-7) | |
Managerial Accounting and Goal Attainment (pg. 13-9) | |
Planning, Organizing, and Controlling (pg. 13-10) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 13-12) | |
Competition and Its Key Dimensions (pg. 13-12) | |
Cost Drivers (pg. 13-13) | |
Structural Cost Drivers (pg. 13-13) | |
Organizational Cost Drivers (pg. 13-14) | |
Activity Cost Drivers (pg. 13-15) | |
Ethics in Managerial Accounting (pg. 13-16) | |
Codes of Ethics (pg. 13-16) | |
Corporate Governance (pg. 13-17) | |
Corporate Social Responsibility (pg. 13-18) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 13-19) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 13-19) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 13-19) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 13-25) | |
Module 14: Cost Behavior, Activity Analysis, and Cost Estimation (pg. 14-1) | |
Focus Company: Square, Inc. (pg. 14-1) | |
Cost Behavior Analysis (pg. 14-3) | |
Four Basic Cost Behavior Patterns (pg. 14-3) | |
Factors Affecting Cost Behavior Patterns (pg. 14-5) | |
Total Cost Function for an Organization or Segment (pg. 14-5) | |
Relevant Range (pg. 14-6) | |
Additional Cost Behavior Patterns (pg. 14-8) | |
Committed and Discretionary Fixed Costs (pg. 14-9) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 14-10) | |
Cost Estimation (pg. 14-11) | |
High-Low Cost Estimation (pg. 14-11) | |
Scatter Diagrams (pg. 14-13) | |
Least-Squares Regression (pg. 14-13) | |
Additional Issues in Cost Estimation (pg. 14-16) | |
Changes in Technology and Prices (pg. 14-16) | |
Matching Activity and Costs (pg. 14-16) | |
Identifying Activity Cost Drivers (pg. 14-17) | |
Alternative Cost Driver Classifications (pg. 14-17) | |
Manufacturing Cost Hierarchy (pg. 14-18) | |
Customer Cost Hierarchy (pg. 14-19) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 14-20) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 14-20) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 14-21) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 14-31) | |
Module 15: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Planning (pg. 15-1) | |
Focus Company: DuPont (pg. 15-1) | |
Profitability Analysis (pg. 15-3) | |
Key Assumptions (pg. 15-4) | |
Profit Formula (pg. 15-4) | |
Contribution and Functional Income Statements (pg. 15-6) | |
Contribution Income Statement (pg. 15-6) | |
Functional Income Statement (pg. 15-7) | |
Analysis Using Contribution Margin Ratio (pg. 15-7) | |
Break-Even Point and Profit Planning (pg. 15-8) | |
Determining Break-Even Point (pg. 15-8) | |
Profit Planning (pg. 15-9) | |
Cost-Volume-Profit Graph (pg. 15-10) | |
Profit-Volume Graph (pg. 15-11) | |
Impact of Income Taxes (pg. 15-12) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 15-14) | |
Multiple-Product Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (pg. 15-14) | |
Sales Mix Analysis (pg. 15-15) | |
Analysis of Operating Leverage (pg. 15-17) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 15-19) | |
Appendix 15A: Profitability Analysis with Unit and Nonunit Cost Drivers (pg. 15-20) | |
Multi-Level Contribution Income Statement (pg. 15-20) | |
Variations in Multi-Level Contribution Income Statement (pg. 15-22) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 15-23) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 15-23) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 15-35) | |
Module 16: Relevant Costs and Benefits for Decision Making (pg. 16-1) | |
Focus Company: Uber (pg. 16-1) | |
Identifying Relevant Costs (pg. 16-3) | |
Relevance of Future Revenues (pg. 16-4) | |
Relevance of Outlay Costs (pg. 16-4) | |
Irrelevance of Sunk Costs (pg. 16-5) | |
Sunk Costs Can Cause Ethical Dilemmas (pg. 16-5) | |
Relevance of Disposal and Salvage Values (pg. 16-6) | |
Relevance of Opportunity Costs (pg. 16-6) | |
Differential Analysis of Relevant Costs (pg. 16-7) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 16-8) | |
Applying Differential Analysis (pg. 16-8) | |
Multiple Changes in Profit Plans (pg. 16-8) | |
Special Orders (pg. 16-9) | |
Outsourcing Decisions (Make or Buy) (pg. 16-11) | |
Sell or Process Further (pg. 16-15) | |
Use of Limited Resources (pg. 16-17) | |
Single Constraint (pg. 16-17) | |
Multiple Constraints (pg. 16-18) | |
Theory of Constraints (pg. 16-19) | |
Limitations of Decision Analysis Models (pg. 16-20) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 16-20) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 16-21) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 16-21) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 16-34) | |
Module 17: Product Costing: Job and Process Operations (pg. 17-1) | |
Focus Company: Samsung (pg. 17-1) | |
Inventory Costs in Various Organizations (pg. 17-3) | |
Inventory Costs for Financial Reporting (pg. 17-4) | |
Product Costs and Period Costs (pg. 17-4) | |
Three Components of Product Costs (pg. 17-5) | |
A Closer Look at Manufacturing Overhead (pg. 17-7) | |
The Production Environment (pg. 17-9) | |
Production Files and Records (pg. 17-9) | |
Job Costing for Products and Services (pg. 17-10) | |
Job Costing Illustrated (pg. 17-11) | |
Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured (pg. 17-15) | |
Overapplied and Underapplied Overhead (pg. 17-16) | |
Job Costing in Service Organizations (pg. 17-17) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 17-19) | |
Process Costing (pg. 17-19) | |
Cost of Production Report (pg. 17-20) | |
Weighted Average and First-In, First-Out Process Costing (pg. 17-23) | |
Process Costing in Service Organizations (pg. 17-24) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 17-25) | |
Appendix 17A: Absorption and Variable Costing (pg. 17-25) | |
Basic Concepts (pg. 17-25) | |
Income Under Absorption and Variable Costing (pg. 17-26) | |
Production Equals Sales (pg. 17-26) | |
Production Exceeds Sales (pg. 17-27) | |
Sales Exceed Production (pg. 17-27) | |
Evaluating Alternatives to Inventory Valuation (pg. 17-27) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 17-30) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 17-30) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 17-44) | |
Module 18: Activity-Based Costing, Customer Profitability, and Activity-Based Management (pg. 18-1) | |
Focus Company: Unilever (pg. 18-1) | |
Changing Cost Environment (pg. 18-3) | |
Activity-based Costing (pg. 18-4) | |
ABC Product Costing Model (pg. 18-5) | |
Traditional Product Costing and ABC Compared (pg. 18-6) | |
Applying Overhead with a Plantwide Rate (pg. 18-6) | |
Applying Overhead with Department Rates (pg. 18-7) | |
Applying Overhead with Activity-Based Costing (pg. 18-8) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 18-12) | |
Limitations of ABC Illustration (pg. 18-12) | |
Comparing Traditional and Activity-Based Costing (pg. 18-13) | |
ABC Implementation Issues (pg. 18-14) | |
ABC and Customer Profitability Analysis (pg. 18-15) | |
Customer Profitability Profile (pg. 18-15) | |
ABC Customer Profitability Analysis Illustrated (pg. 18-16) | |
Activity-Based Management (pg. 18-18) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 18-19) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 18-20) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 18-20) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 18-35) | |
Module 19: Additional Topics in Product Costing (pg. 19-1) | |
Focus Company: Whole Foods (pg. 19-1) | |
Production and Service Department Costs (pg. 19-3) | |
Service Department Cost Allocation (pg. 19-4) | |
Direct Method (pg. 19-4) | |
Step Method (pg. 19-6) | |
Linear Algebra (Reciprocal) Method (pg. 19-7) | |
Dual Rates (pg. 19-8) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 19-9) | |
Lean Production and Just-in-Time Inventory Management (pg. 19-9) | |
Reducing Incoming Materials Inventory (pg. 19-10) | |
Reducing Work-in-Process Inventory (pg. 19-11) | |
Reducing Finished Goods Inventory (pg. 19-12) | |
Performance Evaluation and Recordkeeping with Lean Production and JIT (pg. 19-12) | |
Performance Evaluation (pg. 19-12) | |
Simplified Recordkeeping (pg. 19-14) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 19-15) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 19-15) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 19-16) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 19-25) | |
Module 20: Pricing and Other Product Management Decisions (pg. 20-1) | |
Focus Company: Roku (pg. 20-1) | |
Understanding the Value Chain (pg. 20-3) | |
Usefulness of a Value Chain Perspective (pg. 20-5) | |
Value-Added and Value Chain Perspectives (pg. 20-7) | |
The Pricing Decision (pg. 20-8) | |
Economic Approaches to Pricing (pg. 20-8) | |
Cost-Based Approaches to Pricing (pg. 20-8) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 20-12) | |
Target Costing (pg. 20-12) | |
Target Costing Is Proactive for Cost Management (pg. 20-13) | |
Target Costing Encourages Design for Production (pg. 20-14) | |
Target Costing Reduces Time to Introduce Products (pg. 20-15) | |
Target Costing Requires Cost Information (pg. 20-15) | |
Target Costing Requires Coordination (pg. 20-15) | |
Target Costing is Key for Products with Short Life Cycles (pg. 20-16) | |
Target Costing Helps Manage Life Cycle Costs (pg. 20-16) | |
Continuous Improvement Costing (pg. 20-17) | |
Benchmarking (pg. 20-19) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 20-20) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 20-20) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 20-20) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 20-27) | |
Module 21: Operational Budgeting and Profit Planning (pg. 21-1) | |
Focus Company: Pinterest (pg. 21-1) | |
Reasons for Budgeting (pg. 21-3) | |
Compel Planning (pg. 21-3) | |
Promote Communication and Coordination (pg. 21-4) | |
Provide a Guide to Action and Basis of Evaluation (pg. 21-4) | |
Aid in Risk Management (pg. 21-4) | |
General Approaches to Budgeting (pg. 21-4) | |
Output/Input Approach (pg. 21-5) | |
Activity-Based Approach (pg. 21-5) | |
Incremental Approach (pg. 21-6) | |
Minimum Level Approach (pg. 21-6) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 21-7) | |
Master Budget (pg. 21-7) | |
Sales Budget (pg. 21-9) | |
Purchases Budget (pg. 21-10) | |
Selling Expense Budget (pg. 21-11) | |
General and Administrative Expense Budget (pg. 21-11) | |
Cash Budget (pg. 21-12) | |
Budgeted Financial Statements (pg. 21-14) | |
Finalizing the Budget (pg. 21-15) | |
Budget Development in Manufacturing Organizations (pg. 21-15) | |
Production Budget (pg. 21-16) | |
Manufacturing Cost Budget (pg. 21-16) | |
Budget Development and Manager Behavior (pg. 21-19) | |
Employee Participation (pg. 21-19) | |
Budgeting Periods (pg. 21-19) | |
Forecasts (pg. 21-20) | |
Ethics (pg. 21-20) | |
Open Book Management (pg. 21-21) | |
Module-End Review 1: Budget for a Merchandising Organization (pg. 21-21) | |
Module-End Review 2: Budget for a Manufacturer (pg. 21-22) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 21-23) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 21-23) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 21-37) | |
Module 22: Standard Costs and Performance Reports (pg. 22-1) | |
Focus Company: Southwest Airlines (pg. 22-1) | |
Responsibility Accounting (pg. 22-3) | |
Performance Reporting and Organization Structures (pg. 22-4) | |
Types of Responsibility Centers (pg. 22-4) | |
Financial and Nonfinancial Performance Measures (pg. 22-6) | |
Performance Reporting for Cost Centers (pg. 22-7) | |
Development of Flexible Budgets (pg. 22-7) | |
Flexible Budgets Emphasize Performance (pg. 22-8) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 22-9) | |
Standard Costs and Performance Reports (pg. 22-9) | |
Variance Analysis for Costs (pg. 22-10) | |
Establishing and Using Standards for Direct Materials (pg. 22-11) | |
Establishing and Using Standards for Direct Labor (pg. 22-14) | |
Establishing and Using Standards for Variable Overhead (pg. 22-15) | |
Fixed Overhead Variances (pg. 22-17) | |
Performance Reports for Revenue Centers (pg. 22-18) | |
Inclusion of Controllable Costs (pg. 22-19) | |
Revenue Centers as Profit Centers (pg. 22-20) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 22-21) | |
Appendix 22A: Fixed Overhead Variances (pg. 22-22) | |
Appendix 22B: Reconciling Budgeted and Actual Income (pg. 22-23) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 22-25) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 22-25) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 22-37) | |
Module 23: Segment Reporting, Transfer Pricing, and Balanced Scorecard (pg. 23-1) | |
Focus Company: Volkswagen (pg. 23-1) | |
Strategic Business Segments and Segment Reporting (pg. 23-3) | |
Multilevel Segment Income Statements (pg. 23-5) | |
Interpreting Segment Reports (pg. 23-5) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 23-7) | |
Transfer Pricing (pg. 23-7) | |
Management Considerations (pg. 23-8) | |
Determining Transfer Prices (pg. 23-10) | |
Investment Center Evaluation Measures (pg. 23-13) | |
Return on Investment (pg. 23-13) | |
Investment Center Income (pg. 23-15) | |
Investment Center Asset Base (pg. 23-16) | |
Other Valuation Issues (pg. 23-16) | |
Residual Income (pg. 23-16) | |
Economic Value Added (pg. 23-17) | |
Which Measure Is Best? (pg. 23-18) | |
Balanced Scorecard (pg. 23-19) | |
Balanced Scorecard Framework (pg. 23-19) | |
Balanced Scorecard and Strategy (pg. 23-21) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 23-23) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 23-23) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 23-23) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 23-38) | |
Module 24: Capital Budgeting Decisions (pg. 24-1) | |
Focus Company: Amazon (pg. 24-1) | |
Long-Range Planning and Capital Budgeting (pg. 24-4) | |
Capital Budgeting Models that Consider Time Value of Money (pg. 24-7) | |
Expected Cash Flows (pg. 24-7) | |
Manager Behavior and Expected Cash Flows (pg. 24-7) | |
Net Present Value (pg. 24-7) | |
Internal Rate of Return (pg. 24-9) | |
Cost of Capital (pg. 24-10) | |
Mid-Module Review (pg. 24-11) | |
Capital Budgeting Models that do not Consider Time Value of Money (pg. 24-11) | |
Payback Period (pg. 24-11) | |
Accounting Rate of Return (pg. 24-13) | |
Evaluation of Capital Budgeting Models (pg. 24-14) | |
Additional Aspects of Capital Budgeting (pg. 24-16) | |
Using Multiple Investment Criteria (pg. 24-16) | |
Evaluating Risk (pg. 24-16) | |
Differential Analysis of Project Cash Flows (pg. 24-17) | |
Predicting Differential Costs and Revenues for High-Tech Investments (pg. 24-19) | |
Taxes in Capital Budgeting Decisions (pg. 24-20) | |
Depreciation Tax Shield (pg. 24-20) | |
Investment Tax Credit (pg. 24-23) | |
Module-End Review (pg. 24-23) | |
Appendix 24A: Time Value of Money (pg. 24-23) | |
Future Value (pg. 24-23) | |
Present Value (pg. 24-24) | |
Annuities (pg. 24-25) | |
Unequal Cash Flows (pg. 24-27) | |
Deferred Returns (pg. 24-27) | |
Appendix 24B: Table Approach to Determining Internal Rate of Return (pg. 24-28) | |
Equal Cash Inflows (pg. 24-28) | |
Unequal Cash Inflows (pg. 24-29) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. 24-30) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. 24-30) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. 24-42) | |
Appendix A: Compound Interest Tables (pg. A-1) | |
Appendix B: Constructing the Statement of Cash Flows (pg. B-1) | |
Focus Company: Starbucks (pg. B-1) | |
Framework for Statement of Cash Flows (pg. B-5) | |
Operating Activities (pg. B-6) | |
Investing Activities (pg. B-7) | |
Financing Activities (pg. B-7) | |
Cash Flow From Operating Activities (pg. B-8) | |
Steps to Compute Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (pg. B-9) | |
Java House Case Illustration (pg. B-10) | |
Cash Flows from Investing Activities (pg. B-13) | |
Analyze Remaining Noncash Assets (pg. B-13) | |
Java House Case Illustration (pg. B-13) | |
Cash Flows from Financing Activities (pg. B-14) | |
Analyze Remaining Liabilities and Equity (pg. B-14) | |
Java House Case Illustration (pg. B-15) | |
Summary of Net Cash Flow Reporting (pg. B-15) | |
Supplemental Disclosures for Indirect Method (pg. B-16) | |
Java House Case Illustration (pg. B-16) | |
Analysis of Cash Flow Information (pg. B-17) | |
Cash Flow Patterns (pg. B-17) | |
Usefulness of the Statement of Cash Flows (pg. B-22) | |
Ratio Analyses of Cash Flows (pg. B-22) | |
Appendix-End Review 1 (pg. B-24) | |
Appendix B1: Direct Method Reporting for the Statement of Cash Flows (pg. B-25) | |
Cash Flows from Operating Activities (pg. B-26) | |
Cash Flows from Investing and Financing (pg. B-28) | |
Appendix-End Review 2 (pg. B-28) | |
Guidance Answers (pg. B-29) | |
Discussion Questions (pg. B-30) | |
Solutions to Review Problems (pg. B-48) | |
Appendix C: Comprehensive Case (pg. i) | |
Focus Company: Kimberly-Clark (pg. i) | |
Introduction (pg. i) | |
Reviewing The Financial Statements (pg. i) | |
Income Statement Reporting and Analysis (pg. i) | |
Balance Sheet Reporting and Analysis (pg. i) | |
Off-Balance-Sheet Reporting and Analysis (pg. i) | |
Statement of Cash Flows Reporting and Analysis (pg. i) | |
Independent Audit Opinion (pg. i) | |
Assessing Profitability and Creditworthiness (pg. i) | |
ROE Disaggregation (pg. i) | |
Disaggregation of RNOA—Margin and Turnover (pg. i) | |
Disaggregation of Margin and Turnover (pg. i) | |
Credit Analysis (pg. i) | |
Summarizing Profitability and Creditworthiness (pg. i) | |
Forecasting Financial Statement Numbers (pg. i) | |
Valuing Equity Securities (pg. i) | |
Parsimonious Forecast (pg. i) | |
Discounted Cash Flow Valuation (pg. i) | |
Residual Operating Income Valuation (pg. i) | |
Sensitivity Analysis of Valuation Parameters (pg. i) | |
Assessment of the Valuation Estimate (pg. i) | |
Summary Observations (pg. i) | |
Appendix D: Chart of Accounts with Acronyms (pg. D-1) | |
Glossary (pg. G-1) | |
Index (pg. I-1) |
Peter D. Easton
Peter D. Easton is an expert in accounting and valuation and holds the Notre Dame Alumni Chair in Accountancy in the Mendoza College of Business.
Professor Easton’s expertise is widely recognized by the academic research community and by the legal community. Professor Easton frequently serves as a consultant on accounting and valuation issues in federal and state courts.
Professor Easton holds undergraduate degrees from the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia. He holds a graduate degree from the University of New England and a PhD in Business Administration (majoring in accounting and finance) from the University of California, Berkeley.
Professor Easton’s research on corporate valuation has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, and Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.
Professor Easton has served as an associate editor for 11 leading accounting journals and he is currently an associate editor for the Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, and Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance. He is an editor of the Review of Accounting Studies.
Professor Easton has held appointments at the University of Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley, Ohio State University, Macquarie University, the Australian Graduate School of Management, the University of Melbourne, Tilburg University, National University of Singapore, Seoul National University, and Nyenrode University. He is the recipient of numerous awards for excellence in teaching and in research. Professor Easton regularly teaches accounting analysis and security valuation to MBAs. In addition, Professor Easton has taught managerial accounting at the graduate level.
Robert F. Halsey
Robert F. Halsey is Professor of Accounting and Associate Dean of the Undergraduate School at Babson College. He received his MBA and PhD from the University of Wisconsin.
Prior to obtaining his PhD he worked as the chief financial officer (CFO) of a privately held retailing and manufacturing company and as the vice president and manager of the commercial lending division of a large bank.
Professor Halsey teaches courses in financial and managerial accounting at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, including a popular course in financial statement analysis for second year MBA students. He has also taught numerous executive education courses for large multinational companies through Babson’s school of Executive Education as well as for a number of stock brokerage firms in the Boston area. He is regarded as an innovative teacher and has been recognized for outstanding teaching at both the University of Wisconsin and Babson College.
Professor Halsey co-authors Advanced Accounting published by Cambridge Business Publishers. Professor Halsey’s research interests are in the area of financial reporting, including firm valuation, financial statement analysis, and disclosure issues. He has publications in Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, The Journal of the American Taxation Association, Issues in Accounting Education, The Portable MBA in Finance and Accounting, the CPA Journal, AICPA Professor/Practitioner Case Development Program, and in other accounting and analysis journals.
Professor Halsey is an active member of the American Accounting Association and other accounting, analysis, and business organizations. He is widely recognized as an expert in the areas of financial reporting, financial analysis, and business valuation.
Mary Lea McAnally
Mary Lea McAnally is the Philip Ljundahl Professor of Accounting at the Mays Business School at Texas A&M. She obtained her Ph.D. from Stanford University and B. Comm. from the University of Alberta.
She worked as a Chartered Accountant (in Canada) and is a Certified Internal Auditor. Prior to arriving at Texas A&M in 2002, Professor McAnally held positions at University of Texas at Austin, Canadian National Railways, and Dunwoody and Company.
Her research interests include accounting and disclosure in regulated environments, executive compensation, and accounting for risk. She has published articles in the leading academic journals including Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research. Professor McAnally received the Mays Business School Research Achievement Award in 2005. She was Associate Editor at Accounting Horizons, served on the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research, and was Guest Editor for the MBA-teaching volume of Issues in Accounting Education. She is active in the American Accounting Association and its FARS section.
At Texas A&M, Professor McAnally teaches financial reporting, analysis, and valuation in the full-time, Professional, and Executive MBA programs. Through the Mays Center for Executive Development, she works with corporate clients. She has also taught at University of Alberta, University of Calgary, IMADEC (in Austria) and at the Indian School of Business at the Hyderabad and Mohali campuses. She has received numerous faculty-determined and student-initiated teaching awards at the MBA and executive levels. Those awards include the Beazley Award, the Trammell Foundation Award, the MBA Teaching Award (multiple times), the MBA Association Distinguished Faculty Award (three times), the Award for Outstanding and Memorable Faculty Member, and the Distinguished Achievement Award.
Al L. Hartgraves
Al L. Hartgraves is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has been a frequent Guest Professor at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria and at the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration in Finland.
His published scholarly and professional articles have appeared in The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Management Accounting, Journal of Accountancy, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy and many other journals. Students at Goizueta Business School have selected him on six occasions to receive the Distinguished Educator Award. In 2002 he received Emory University’s highest teaching award, The Scholar/Teacher Award, and in 2003 he was recognized as the Accounting Educator of the Year by the Georgia Society of CPAs. He has been recognized as an Outstanding Faculty Member in two editions of The Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) and a Certified Management Accountant, having received the Certificate of Distinguished Performance on the CMA exam. He received his Ph.D. from Georgia State University.
Wayne J. Morse
Wayne J. Morse, a hiking and canoeing enthusiast, is Professor Emeritus at the Saunders College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology.
An author or coauthor of more than fifty published papers, monographs, and textbooks, he was a founding member of the Management Accounting section of the American Accounting Association. His most notable writings are in the areas of learning curves, human resource accounting, and quality costs. He was a member of the IMA Committee on Research and an AICPA Board of Examiners subcommittee, and he has served on the editorial boards of Advances in Accounting, Trends in Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, and Management Accounting Research. A Certified Public Accountant, he received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Prior to joining RIT, he was on the faculty of the University of Illinois, Duke University, the University of Tennessee, Clarkson University, and the University of Alabama-Huntsville.