Glenn M. Pfeiffer

Glenn M. Pfeiffer

Glenn M. Pfeiffer is Professor of Accounting at the George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics at Chapman University.

He received his M.S. and Ph.D. from Cornell University after he earned a bachelor's degree from Hope College. Prior to joining the faculty at the Argyros School, he held appointments at the University of Washington, Cornell University, the University of Chicago, the University of Arizona, and San Diego State University.

Professor Pfeiffer’s research focuses on financial reporting and capital markets. He has investigated issues relating to lease accounting, LIFO inventory liquidation, earnings per share, employee stock options, corporate reorganization, and technology investments. He has published articles in The Accounting Review, the Financial Analysts Journal, the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, the Journal of Applied Business Research, the Journal of High Technology Management Research, the Journal of Accounting Education, and several other academic journals. In addition, he has published numerous case studies in financial accounting and reporting.

Professor Pfeiffer teaches financial accounting and financial analysis to undergraduate, MBA, and Executive students. He has also taught managerial accounting for MBAs. He has won several teaching awards at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.


Financial Accounting, 5e
Financial Accounting, 5e by Dyckman, Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer 978-1-61853-165-0
Financial Accounting using IFRS, 2e
Financial Accounting using IFRS, 2e by Wong, Dyckman, Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer 978-1-61853-196-4
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers, 3e
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers, 3e by Dyckman, Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer, Hartgraves, Morse 978-1-61853-234-3
Financial Accounting, 6e
Financial Accounting, 6e by Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer, Dyckman 978-1-61853-311-1
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers, 4e
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers, 4e by Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer, Dyckman 978-1-61853-361-6
NOT IN USE - Custom Wharton Edition, 3e
NOT IN USE - Custom Wharton Edition, 3e by Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer, Dyckman, Hopkins, Halsey 978-1-61853-346-3
Financial Accounting, 7e
Financial Accounting, 7e by Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer 978-1-61853-431-6
Financial Accounting using IFRS, 3e
Financial Accounting using IFRS, 3e by Wong, Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer 978-1-61853-508-5
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers, 5e
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers, 5e by Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer, Kulp, Dragoo 978-1-61853-564-1