Carol Callaway Dee

Carol Callaway Dee

Carol Callaway Dee is an associate professor of accounting in the Business School at the University of Colorado Denver.

Prior to coming to CU Denver, she was on the faculty of Florida State University. She earned her PhD in accounting from Louisiana State University and a BS in accounting from the University of Florida. Dr. Dee was an academic fellow for the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s Office of Research and Analysis and its Center for Economic Analysis, conducting research on the economic effects of proposed auditing standards. She has published in a number of journals, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Current Issues in Auditing, Issues in Accounting Education, and Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, and she serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Forensic Accounting Research. Her accounting cases, Return of the Tallahassee Bean Counters: A Case in Forensic Accounting (with Cindy Durtschi) and Grand Teton Candy Company: Connecting the Dots in a Fraud Case (with Cindy Durtschi and Mary Mindak) are used by faculty around the world. She is a recipient of the CU Denver Business School’s “Outstanding Tenure-Track Teacher of the Year” Award.


Alpine Cupcakes, 2e
Alpine Cupcakes, 2e by Callaway Dee, Durtschi, Mindak 978-1-61853-323-4